Mini Pony of the Day 3-9-09

Thanks to Cotter for initially sending this my way. It comes from the fine fellows at Walkoff Walk, and is a classic Letterman skit involving the late Warren Zevon and a miniature horse. I’m a huge fan of Letterman, Zevon AND miniature horses, so I was more than thrilled with this video. I hope you enjoy it as well.

Mini horse comes in around the 2:40 mark. But the whole thing is pretty sweet.

After you watch that, you should read these:

Dan Bylsma is fashion-forward. [Getting Nifty in the Clutch]

Pens win! What a 5-game road streak (5-0)! [The Pensblog]

Hey, baby. [OFTOT]

My buds at FanIQ talked with Curt Schilling. Pretty sweet! [FanIQ]

Top 10 reasons why T.O. signed with the Bills. [Total Pro Sports]

Jose Reyes speaks English when he wants. [Sports Rubbish]

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