China Jack Toasts The Super Bowl Champion Steelers

Back during the football season, I had a running segment at the old PSAMP that highlighted the Steelers-insanity of my buddy Gavin in China (he has a new site…check it out!). You can check out the past adventures at the following links on the all-new PSAMP: Chinese People Love The Steelers China Toasts The 2008 […]

Pittsburgh’s Going to the Super Bowl! 28hk-49Xyp4[/youtube] Your Pittsburgh Steelers are AFC Champions! 23-14 Pittsburgh over Baltimore. In honor of the win, Gavin is checking in with some Steelers love from the Great Wall. GO STEELERS!

Gavin Took His Steelers Allegiance to Tian’anmen Square 3fuxsjyyXvA[/youtube] Waking up all hungover at 1 in the afternoon is only badass when you get an email and video from dear friend Gavin in China. Here’s what I got: It’s Tian’anmen Square. You have to wake up early to get a bus to _____ (the last one leaves at 10 am) or you […]
