The Penguins Should Retire Mario Lemieux’s…Number 16?


Ok so as a lifelong Pens fan and Mario Lemieux worshipper, finding action of Le Magnifique in any number other than 66 shakes me to my core. Since when did Mario cramp Jay Caulfield and Eddie Olczyk and Glen Sather and Kris Beech and Erik Christensen and Paul Bissonnette’s style with the number 16?

This is obviously post-Cup-wins since Mario also has the stupid pigeon on his chest. The video description says it was taken in Tri-Cities, WA. That doesn’t even sound like a real place. This is obviously video from another dimension.

Video below:

Go Pens.


via Eric:

Mario also wore that during several camps out at Iceoplex. IIRC, Jagr had it while Mario was retired.

And Mario had it again after Jagr was traded, continuing to wear it as recently as 2005

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