
Gerrit Cole Stopped By Foley’s, Our NYC Penguins Bar

This is the best. Awesome Pirates rookie pitcher Gerrit Cole just happened to stop by Foley's NY Pub last night. If you think you've heard of Foley's before, it's because I talk about it nonstop…what with it being the local Penguins bar/group here in New York City that I've helped organize for the past five seasons. It is […]

The Pirate Parrot Has Decency, Wears Spongebob Squarepants Pajamas

Your Pittsburgh Pirates won a late-nighter against the Oakland A's 5-0 yesterday. Or, this morning, if you're a stickler for those kinda things. You see, some hellstorm shot through Pittsburgh yesterday, causing a 3-hour delay at the 7th inning stretch, ending the game in the wee hours of the morning: earlier pic via sf chronicle's
