
LA Lawyer Gets Steelers Football

[harry hamlin is not the la lawyer mentioned, but harry hamlin!] Thanks to Steve for this. Some LA-based sports lawyer sat down for an interview and discussed his thoughts on a team coming back to LA. His thoughts: “I think a LA team will do well from an economics perspective as a big part of […]

Lego Sidney Crosby Probably Has A Lego Concussion

This is Lego Sidney Crosby. I caught it from this video and the seller’s eBay page. Above is Lego Crosby in Team Canada garb. And here is Lego Crosby in the Penguins’ alternate powder blue, very obviously waiting for a shoulder from Mega Bloks David Steckel. Go Pens.

This Troy Polamalu Doll Is Horrifying, Too

Steelers safety Troy Polamalu is awesome. He gets a lot of love here at PSAMP. And since he’s everywhere both on the football field as well as in our collective presence, there are bound to be moments when Troy-related stuff is just…off. CREEPY NIGHT TERROR MINI TROY! Video game un-likeness Troy. Horatio Polamalu. And now, […]


This fine lass combined stripping with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Am I supposed to hate on this choice or something? I think you’ve found the wrong website, then. Video below. It’s safe for work: Go Steelers.

In 39 Days…

[yeah this is a pensblog theme but they’re out of commission til monday and pensareyourdaddy came through with some pics for you displaced cbloggers until then]

Weekends with Bubbles…

[i don’t post stuff on the weekend. but i’m sure the displaced cbloggers could use new comment threads until pensblog is back and in your face monday. so cblogger bubbles passed along this post. commence hate] *Weekends with Bubbles is a weekly feature from the restless waters of Atlantic Canada. Bubbles usually spends his time […]

In 40 Days…

[yeah this is a pensblog theme but they’re out of commission til monday and pensareyourdaddy came through with some pics for you displaced cbloggers until then]

In 41 Days…

[yeah this is a pensblog theme but they’re out of commission til monday and

Benstonium Gets Earthquake References

OMIGOD DO YOU REMEMBER THAT EARTHQUAKE? Sure I made my share of obnoxious jokes about yesterday’s earthquake but I live in NYC and my work building in Manhattan shook and it’s only blocks away from Ground Zero and shut up. Most of you couldn’t stop talking about it and I get it. It was mainly […]

Geno Is Gonna Be A Big Movie Star

The guy has already conquered an HBO miniseries, so why not actual films? And I don’t think Pascal Dupuis is gonna show up in this one to tell Geno to f**k himself. Via
